Hidey-Ho lovely people. I'm going to pretend there are actually people here reading, even thought I know at this point I've lost everyone to some other intellectually stimulating thing, since this is mostly abandoned. Ten years I've had this blog, ten years last September. A lot is different. Even more is not.
It is Christmas Break again, I have finished my last semester of graduate school, and starting in January I will student teach at a middle school nearby. There is a lot of negative that has happened during this exercise in More Education, but I'm trying to let it go and just get what I need out of it. I am not worried about the student teaching, I'm simply wanting to get it over with, so I can get on with the business of actually teaching and being paid for it. I've said goodbye to all my friends at the elementary school which I adore working, at least until I return in April, a shiny new for-real teacher. Except there isn't anything shiny and new about me, just a muffin top and gray hairs that stubbornly refuse to take any color.
New year, new beginnings. See ya on the flipside, folks.
Happy holidays! I'm still reading.
We're long overdue for a lunch together. I work in Overland Park now, so it should make it a little easier to get together.
Let me know when you're free in 2015!
Posted by: Average Jane | December 22, 2014 at 04:04 PM